#> udunits database from /usr/share/xml/udunits/udunits2.xml
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
You can add the correct units to data returned by
, az_hourly()
, or
by passing the resulting tibble to
hourly <-
az_hourly() %>%
#> Querying most recent hour of data ...
#> Returning data from 2025-03-07 18:00
hourly %>%
select(-starts_with("meta_"), -starts_with("date_")) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 33
#> dwpt dwptF eto_azmet eto_azmet_in heatstress_cottonC heatstress_cottonF
#> [°C] [degF] [mm] [in] [°C] [degF]
#> 1 -1.9 28.5 0.1 0 11.2 52.1
#> 2 -1.7 29 0.2 0.01 17 62.6
#> 3 -4.4 24 0.1 0 10.6 51.2
#> 4 6.1 42.9 0 0 9.9 49.9
#> 5 5.9 42.6 0 0 9.7 49.4
#> 6 3.8 38.8 0 0 8.9 47.9
#> # ℹ 27 more variables: precip_total [mm], precip_total_in [in],
#> # relative_humidity [%], sol_rad_total [MJ/m^2], sol_rad_total_ly [langleys],
#> # temp_airC [°C], temp_airF [degF], temp_soil_10cmC [°C],
#> # temp_soil_10cmF [degF], temp_soil_50cmC [°C], temp_soil_50cmF [degF],
#> # vp_actual [kPa], vp_deficit [kPa], wind_2min_spd_max_mph [miles/h],
#> # wind_2min_spd_max_mps [m/s], wind_2min_spd_mean_mph [miles/h],
#> # wind_2min_spd_mean_mps [m/s], wind_2min_timestamp <dttm>, …
This requires that you have the units
package installed
and will prompt you to do so if you don’t have it installed. It may also
be helpful to explicitly load the package with
so that the resulting tibble displays the
units correctly.
converts numeric vectors to those of
class “units”. These units columns behave differently than ordinary
numeric vectors and have a few useful properties. First, you can do unit
conversion using set_units()
from the units
hourly %>%
transmute(wind_spd_kph = set_units(wind_spd_mps, "km/h"),
sol_rad_total = set_units(sol_rad_total, "W h m-2"),
temp_airK = set_units(temp_airF, "Kelvins"))
#> # A tibble: 32 × 3
#> wind_spd_kph sol_rad_total temp_airK
#> [km/h] [W*h/m^2] [K]
#> 1 22.0 91.7 285.
#> 2 15.5 178. 292.
#> 3 15.5 75 285.
#> 4 11.9 55.6 283.
#> 5 7.92 27.8 283.
#> 6 8.64 147. 282.
#> 7 12.2 169. 291.
#> 8 18 83.3 280.
#> 9 9 44.4 282.
#> 10 19.1 236. 292.
#> # ℹ 22 more rows
Second, it won’t allow you to do math where the units aren’t compatible.
hourly %>%
transmute(wind_rain = wind_spd_mps + precip_total)
#> Error in `transmute()`:
#> ℹ In argument: `wind_rain = wind_spd_mps + precip_total`.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! cannot convert mm into m/s
That also means that you generally cannot add or subtract unitless constants.